Friday, January 12, 2007

Back in Action

Hey, you don't have to tell ME it's been a while! Where have I been? well, I went to California to see the grandparents for Thanksgiving, I went to Puerto Peñasco, Mexico, for a few days after Christmas. Between trips, I was working on the old dissertation (nearly three chapters done now), in part while in residence at a local writer's colony, Casa Libre en la Solana. They are awesome!! Send them your money!!

Since the holidays, things have been decidedly less interesting. I've been spending rather an inordinate amount of time working on the index for my forthcoming book
(take a look here: And an even more ridiculous amount of time preparing for my upcoming trip. Yes, I'm heading back to Santiago for more carnival, more accordion, and more Brugal in just two weeks.

BUT WHAT DOES THAT MEAN FOR ME?? you may be asking yourself. Good question. If you are my friend, perhaps it means you should be checking plane fare to the DR in order to pay me a visit. Don't forget: carnival season runs through February, and whale season ends March 15. If you are a blog reader who is not yet my friend, perhaps it means you should subscribe to my feed so you don't miss a single exciting installment of my adventures in The Republic, as my nephew has been known to call it. Either way, keep in mind that I will arrive in La Ciudad Corazon on January 26 and will be blogging away shortly thereafter.

To tide you over in the meantime, here's a photo I just dug up of me and El Prodigio, taken by Jose Enrique Tavarez at the Centro Leon.


Caro said...

i just randomly came across your blog and found it very interesting. i, too, have recently been doing a lot of research about merengue tipico and it's role in dominican culture, though yours is obviously focused on the accordion.

i have, unfortunetly, not had the opportunity to be as thorough, but talking to my father, uncles, and especially grandfather have proved to be amazing. i have a cousin who is a tipico performer, whom i have yet to speak to about it as my research as changed over the years, but is very well informed about the culture of it all. not that you really need it, as your research has been quite extensive.

good luck on your trip, i actually may want to ask a few questions for my own research, if you wouldnt mind (sorry if this seems random) one day.

i'm jealous of your impending trip to santo domingo, i want to go home.


Sydney said...

Hello fellow merenguera, and thanks for your interest! Actually, my dissertation is on m.t. and various aspects of Dominican culture. The accordion is merely my way of getting into the research and better understanding the music. I've done about 50 interviews so far with tipcio musicians, producers, etc. I'm happy to answer your questions about it if you reply with an email address!
Best of luck,

Heather said...

Hey Squeester,
I hope you don't mind that I "tagged" you as one of my 5 blogs in this post.

It's supposed to be fun--and I know you have SO MUCH FREE TIME--so if you don't want to do it, that's fine too.

Nice pic, btw. Yer cute.