Thanks for fixing the link so quickly. To answer your question as to who I am... I’m a fan of history, travel in Latin America and beer but not always in that order and definitely not exclusively. I’m also a Tucson Weekly reader which is how I got hooked on your blog. Actually, that’s only how I arrived at your blog. I got hooked by its enjoyable style and entertaining content not to mention the elusive possibility of cervesa! The only thing I think that I’ve not encountered here but thought that I might would be a link to a video or at least an audio of one of your accordion performances. Any chance of that sometime soon?
You keep typing and I’ll keep reading, Mike RNMichael at hotmail dot com
Ha ha! Thanks, both of you, for your interest in my playing. Unfortunately, because I'm usually so busy recording and photographing others, I don't have much on record of myself. I'll see if I can dig up anything... otherwise, I'll be sure to make my own recording next time. Many tipico-playing friends have been bugging me about recording my own album, but I probabely won't go that far. Hey, isn't writing a book enough for you people?! Jeez.
Thanks for fixing the link so quickly. To answer your question as to who I am... I’m a fan of history, travel in Latin America and beer but not always in that order and definitely not exclusively. I’m also a Tucson Weekly reader which is how I got hooked on your blog. Actually, that’s only how I arrived at your blog. I got hooked by its enjoyable style and entertaining content not to mention the elusive possibility of cervesa! The only thing I think that I’ve not encountered here but thought that I might would be a link to a video or at least an audio of one of your accordion performances. Any chance of that sometime soon?
You keep typing and I’ll keep reading,
RNMichael at hotmail dot com
Hi Sydney,
I have been reading your blog for about a year now and I am very interested in hearing how you play the accordion. How about it?
Duran (South Florida)
Ha ha! Thanks, both of you, for your interest in my playing. Unfortunately, because I'm usually so busy recording and photographing others, I don't have much on record of myself. I'll see if I can dig up anything... otherwise, I'll be sure to make my own recording next time. Many tipico-playing friends have been bugging me about recording my own album, but I probabely won't go that far. Hey, isn't writing a book enough for you people?! Jeez.
Well, alright I'll accept that excuse for now. Keep doing a good job.
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